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Treatment blog @ BODYWORKS AZABU

In my blog posts I explain various symptoms
and proposed treatments

【Successfully completed the Rainbow Ride 2024】

I participated in the Rainbow Ride 2024 held on December 1st.

During my first participation, I was so excited that I cycled on the Rainbow Bridge in the blink of an eye, without having time to really enjoy it.

This time, I didn’t feel the same nervousness as during the recent half marathon. I was able to leisurely enjoy the 35 km long course, taking in the scenery as I rode.

However, by evening, I started to feel some muscle soreness in my thighs, particularly from the 5% incline, which made its presence known later that night.

The coastal area of Tokyo has wide roads and, with light traffic on weekend mornings, it's perfect for cycling.

I filmed my ride with a head camera, so I think you’ll be able to get a feel for the course from the footage.

Bathed in early winter sunlight, it was a luxurious and exhilarating 2 hours and 30 minutes.

For those who are interested, I highly recommend participating next year!

Daisuke Tazawa


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