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BODYWORKS 麻布 院長ブログ


【Shoulder Stiffness and Straight Neck Syndrome|Relieve Them with a Combination of Massage and Acupuncture Treatments】

A man in his 20s, who had been suffering from chronic neck and shoulder stiffness, visited my practice. With the increasing demands of daily desk work and frequent smartphone use, he reported a buildup of strain on his neck and shoulders.

I started with a thorough consultation and physical examination to carefully assess his current condition. By closely examining his lifestyle habits, posture tendencies, and muscle stiffness, we identified the root causes of his discomfort.

For the treatment, I began with a gentle massage to gradually loosen the superficial muscles. Following this, acupuncture was applied to target and warm the deeper muscle layers, helping to release overall body tension. After the muscles had sufficiently relaxed, I performed another round of massage to deepen the relaxation and complete the treatment effectively.

After the treatment, I explained the root causes of the stiffness and provided advice on preventing recurrence in daily life. This included tips for improving posture and simple stretching techniques.

The client shared, “The creaking and pain I felt every time I moved my neck and shoulders have eased significantly, and I feel surprisingly refreshed.”

In today’s lifestyle, where smartphones and computer work are indispensable, neck and shoulder issues are common. If you experience discomfort, don’t hesitate to consult us before the problem worsens.

Daisuke Tazawa


◎ Treatment details shared with consent

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